Sunday 18 January 2015

My Winter Essentials

It's been getting increasingly colder and feeling much more wintery this week in the UK so I thought I would share some of my essentials I need throughout the winter months.

My first winter essential has to be blush and bronzer. I have a very pale complexion most of the time but in the winter I somehow manage to become even paler. Blush and bronzer is a great way to add some warmth and colour back into your skin. This is a blush/bronzer gift set from Benefit which I was lucky to receive for Christmas from my wonderful Nanny.

Next up is a thick moisturiser and Vaseline and both are a MUST for winter. The cold air can dry out your skin and lips very easily so keeping them hydrated is important. These two products are two of my favourites for keeping my skin and lips silky soft.

I just spoke about keeping your face and lips hydrated but keeping your hands hydrated is just as important. In winter my hands can get very dry which leads to them being cracked and getting sore which is not ideal! This Soap and Glory Hand Dream Super Cream is a great hand moisturiser as it absorbs quickly and doesn't leave your hands feeling sticky, just super soft.

A candle in the winter is a great way to get all cosy and relaxed when it is freezing outside. I am a big fan of spice scents and berry scents so when the winter candles start going on sale I may or may not smell practically every winter scent in the shop! My candle is the Mulled Winter Berries from White Stuff.

Scarves are definitely an essential to help keep you warm in the cold. I am a big fan of tartan scarves as I think they look smart but still casual, this scarf is from River Island. 

I used chocolates in my photos as for me they are also a winter essential. A cosy, candle lit night in watching the TV or a film is not complete without some chocolate left over from Christmas!
Thank you for reading
Ellie x


  1. Oh my gosh I love everything you got! I absolutely love the Benefit set and the scarf and can't ever go wrong with Soap 'n' Glory. Great post! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth
